An awesome and thought-provoking documentary of the attack on Intelligent Design in the scientific community. Ben Stein interviews many who were basically expelled from the scientific community for merely raising questions about the theory of Intelligent Design. It also takes hard looks on Darwinism by interviewing some of its devout proponents and glimpsing into history when Darwinism was taken to a frightening level (Hitler, eugenics, etc.). I was completely enthralled during the whole thing and highly recommend it.
A great documentary on birth and our medical system, scrutinizing modern practices and showing the public what midwives actually do, how they are actually trained and prepared. So often have I come across people who think midwives are unprepared and practically walk in with a leather strap and Birkenstocks. The medical society is trying hard to get midwives out of practice, as they have done for years, and that will only serve to do more harm to birth. I have a great heart for birth and have actually begun to tamper with the idea of becoming a midwife in the future. When I saw The Business of Being Born I had already been sold on natural birth and the horror that is our current medical system and view of birth in the US today. It still completely captivated me and furthered my feelings on birth and secured my desire to have a home birth. I would highly recommend this to any woman who is pregnant or planning to get pregnant. Too often do I see women taken advantage of by the medical community to make their job easier, and women need to know their options and the risks of all these routine procedures. Oh, this is such a passion of mine I could go on and on!
Both are free to stream on Netflix!